Law Yuk-Mui
Performed by Damon Lee
4K video
Color, stereo, 6 mins, 17 sec, play on loop
Song of the Exile I
28.5 × 22 × 2 cm
2-channel video
Color, stereo, with sound
The Seawater, so Blue it’s Black
Map transfer on silk, free-motion embroidery, thread
69 × 45.5 cm
Further images
Law Yuk-Mui uncovered stories of diasporas and human displacement from the archival materials of Royal Interocean Lines in the Song of the Exile. Through fragments from different migrants and historical documentations, she remaps a sea route of geopolitical and sentimental complications.
Titled TJI, the two-channel installation re-enact migration and exile amidst the historical background and voyages of overseas Chinese in Indonesia.
In Song of the Exile: Rust Chipping, Law featured “Kwok Bing”, a sailor who studied fine arts, to reconstruct the experience of rust chipping on an ocean liner with found objects. With the juxtaposition of the artist book, the sound component renders an entry point to reimaging the voyage experience on disintegration and the fragility of memories that drift with the population.